Central Branch

12, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Colaba, Mumbai – 400 001

Tel: +91 70455 5305922 2202-0079

Email: central@ymcabombay.com

The Central branch has been a happening place since its inception in 1903. Over the years, activities have grown manifold. From providing a ‘home away from home’ for young men seeking a career in this city, the Central branch has a wide range of activities to offer to people of all age groups, not to mention the underprivileged people.


Hostel for Working Men & Women, Guest Rooms for Families and Tourists, Conference Halls, Sports and Recreation, Bouldering Wall.

Room Tariff

AC Single Occupancy: INR 2750 (Inclusive of all taxes)

AC Room Double Occupancy: INR 3500 (Inclusive of all taxes)

Non-AC Single Occupancy: INR 2250 (Inclusive of all taxes)

Non-AC Room Double Occupancy: 3000 (Inclusive of all taxes)

Additional Temporary Membership of Rs. 140 for non-members 

– Comfortable stay in the heart of the city
– Complimentary Breakfast
– Television & WiFi for entertainment
– Easy access to major tourist locations in the city

Working Men & Women Hostel

Type of Room Men/Women Per Day Charges Allowed Term
Single bed Women 560/- 3 Years
Guest room (Hostel) Men/Women 784/-
Twin sharing Women 493/- 3 years
Twin sharing Men 493/- 3 Years
Three Sharing Men 420/- 3 Years
Four Sharing Men 403/- 3 years


Activity Days Fee Term
Basket ball advance Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 2500 Monthly
Basketball Monday to Saturday 3dys in week( Beginners) 1200 Monthly
Basketball Monday to Saturday ( Beginners) 1500 Monthly
Basketball Monday to Saturday 3dys in week( Intermidiate) 1800 Monthly
Basketball Monday to Saturday ( Intermediate) 2000 Monthly
Bouldering Wall Tuesday to Saturday 100 Per hour (Members)
Bouldering Wall Tuesday to Saturday 200 Per hour (Guest)
Bouldering Wall Tuesday to Saturday 400 Per hour (Foreign nationals)
Computer Typing Monday to Friday 700 Monthly
Computer Typing Admission Monday to Friday 150 Admission Fee
Computer Typing Exam Monday to Friday 600
Computer Typing Practice Monday to Friday 400
Dance Monday to Saturday(except Thursday) 1415 Monthly
Gym & Fitness Centre (Unisex) Monday to Saturday 1500 Monthly
Gym & Fitness Centre (Unisex) Monday to Saturday 2900 Quarterly
Gym & Fitness Centre (Unisex) Monday to Saturday 5400 Half Yearly
Gym & Fitness Centre (Unisex) Monday to Saturday 9500 Yearly
Ketsugo- Mixed martial art Monday, Wednesday and Friday 800 Monthly
Ketsugo- Mixed martial art Tuesday & Thursday 800 Monthly
Locker 555 Yearly
Mallakhamb Monday,Wednesday and Friday 800 Monthly
Mallakhamb Coaching Monday to Saturday(except Thursday) 800 Monthly
Piano/Keyboard/ Drums/ Flute Monday (Once a week) 6370 Quarterly
Table Tennis Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 2000 Monthly
Typing Admission Monday to Friday 100 Admission Fee
Typing class (GCC) Monday to Friday 300 Monthly
Typing Manual (English/Hindi/Marathi) Monday to Friday 400 Monthly


– Membership charges will be additionally charged.